Scalable Business Support
WebAssist Services
Businesses can harness significant productivity using modern web-based systems. The challenge is to realise the cost savings and value-added functionality for growth without being limited by hefty training costs, lead-times, or overheads to scale up in volume or expand the hours of service.
Contact centre services that involve logging into client systems in addition to general customer service can be handled on this service level. The focus is to add value and capability to your business operations 24x7. This can be achieved in a variety of ways.
Our Client Services team can provide 1300 and 1800 numbers. Clients can also point their existing portable national numbers to their diversion point on our Network.
Diary Management
Appointments for service professionals require some background information about your practice, especially for allied health services. Knowledge of the system, policies for rescheduling and cancellations, and the types of consultations you provide are covered in these services.
Order & Bookings
Our virtual receptionists answer telephone calls, evaluate service requests, check if an area or issue is supported, answer frequently asked questions, and can confirm an order, service booking, or appointment. They can also complete defined tasks.
We structure services and workflows to support service accuracy. Beyond training in general customer service, agents receive training in types of services and where to look for answers on our systems and yours.
Your Help Desk
Level 1 help desk services may involve further navigation in client systems. Agents may troubleshoot common issues and escalate more complex Level 2 enquiries to client staff.
Our call centre staff can raise or check on service requests, capture missing data in a support ticket that might otherwise cause delays, and provide updates to customers.
Digital Customer Services
We can handle multi-channel customer service enquiries and alerts from many systems via data, email, or SMS. We can link to client platforms or provide a contact aggregator platform to handle web chat and link to your social pages.
Procedures can be structured as part of a complex corporate service or as actions to be handled on a stand-alone service.
Scope can be limited to monitoring for page moderation or handling customer service requests with robust privacy compliance, after hours or 24x7.
Business Process Outsourcing can range from the handover of discrete tasks to complete management a function by our contact centre operations across multiple skill sets (e.g., customer service, accounts, or IT).
Procedures can be structured as part of a complex corporate service or as actions to be handled on a stand-alone service.
Scope can be limited to monitoring for page moderation or handling customer service requests with robust privacy compliance, after hours or 24x7.
For example:
- Technical provisioning of a customer on a client’s platform.
- Checks on system batch processing.
- Customer Care follow-up.
Work can be billed per task, per hour or per minute, depending on the scope and incidence. Projects can be short term or ongoing and scheduled for specific times, including after hours.
For a simpler scope our Call Centre Supervisors provide general supervision. However, services with larger work volumes and KPIs to manage may also appoint a Team Leader to manage work through-put and escalated issues.

Dedicated agent rosters can be layered for various workloads

Network agents can handle overflow during peak times

Options to split back-office work from answering services
Team roles and responsibilities

Cost Efficiencies
With all these service options, our agent handling charges cover labour and all overheads such as payroll, labour on-costs, workforce management, and facilities. Clear cost efficiencies can be achieved outsourcing back-office work to our Network with or without large and regular work volumes.
Industry Solutions
Services can be structured to suit the way that you work. We have service templates, agent training modules, and applications to handle service groups on our Network.
These services are inherently versatile - many approaches taken for one service or industry can be intelligently applied to others. We can handle all your calls and customer service or step in as needed for specific work.