We handle telephone calls about urgent issues

Urgent and Critical
Issue Management

Escalation Support Services

On this service level our virtual receptionists filter issues for urgency criteria then manage persistent contact until a responsible person is reached who can take the action required. The range of scenarios, settings, procedures, systems, and methods of contact managed is comprehensive: we are specialists in this field.

We interact with and for operational personnel, emergency services, various levels of government, customers, stakeholders, and the public in the commission of this work. Urgency issues can be handled within of full spectrum customer services for an organisation. Our call centre agents are experienced communicating with vulnerable groups in addition to providing general customer service.

Simple welfare checks on call-out can be accommodated in a general escalation support service as an added step in procedures.

There are several types of services provided on this service level handled 24x7, after hours or as convenient in our Australian contact centres.

Welfare Support

The approach to welfare monitoring will vary with the people and work involved, and the risks assessed for each work scenario. Businesses will typically have a mix of low, moderate to higher risk work situations, and having the flexibility to manage those risks is key.

GPS Monitoring

Our welfare monitoring solution encompasses GPS monitoring of fleet and devices, Lone Worker Welfare Checks, or an overlay of both types of monitoring to cover specific work risk scenarios.

For GPS monitoring we can distinguish between types of alerts (e.g., man down or duress) and set up services to meet the privacy requirements of your workforce. Most GPS device types and platforms are supported 24 hours.

Lone Worker Check Service

The Lone Worker Check service offers affordable welfare monitoring with 24x7 contact centre support for staff and contractors without investment in expensive hardware. Beyond service availability, billing is on usage and there are automated contact options to reduce the costs of routine checks, making this an affordable solution for businesses or all sizes.

Users can call in or create, check, and close welfare events via system 2way SMS. Managers can forward schedule specific or recurring checks online for staff or contractors. An SMS broadcast utility within the app allows instant messaging to registered individuals or teams.

WHS Injury Reporting

We have applications to manage Injury Reporting and Employee Assistance Program support. Confidential reports can be taken and sent to specified personnel. We can also refer staff to approved providers registered with your organisation.

SCADA Monitoring

We receive and distinguish between multiple alert types and can escalate to different teams on the one service. Multi-phased escalations can be managed.

Emergency Management

Communications for critical incidents, consumer and industry hotlines, and crisis consultancies are supported. Contingencies for handling unfolding scenarios and regular test drills for activation of response teams can be structured into services.

Industry Solutions

Call answering and customer services can be structured to suit your operations. We have applications and agent training supporting a range of service types. We can also develop custom applications to manage specialised services on our Network.

Virtual Reception   |   WebAssist Services   |   Corporate Services



Head Office:
1300 551 796
1800 935 536
1300 047 885
+61 3 9895 0000
ABN 26 138 486 478
Level 5, 520 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000
PO Box 5010 Nowra DC NSW 2541