
Custom & Specialist
Customer Services

Corporate Services

We have specialist systems and training to handle private sector corporate virtual reception through to full spectrum customer services for Councils and State Government departments.

Contact centre services that require greater scope, compliance management, reporting, or involve multiple teams across a business may be delivered as a corporate service with its own agreement.

Agile applications that we have developed for an industry or custom applications created for the purpose may be used. Virtual receptionists will have completed relevant training for a service level, but client-specific training can also be provided to support a service.

Services can cover general customer service, outbound project work, and specialised support functions. We work with customer service, operations, risk management and project engagement teams.

Industry Solutions

We can provide customised services for utilities, technical platform providers, infrastructure projects, and operations in remote locations.

Virtual Reception   |   WebAssist Services   |   Escalation Support



Head Office:
1300 551 796
1800 935 536
1300 047 885
+61 3 9895 0000
ABN 26 138 486 478
Level 5, 520 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000
PO Box 5010 Nowra DC NSW 2541