After hours answering services for IT & Industry

Agile Capability
For Operations

Technical & Industry

Our contact centre services can cover specialised monitoring or high-volume virtual reception and specialist support functions with more flexibility and lower costs than is typically possible in-house.

Telephone answering may have specific filtering for teams and levels of staff. The service scope can range from simple ticket allocation in a client system to troubleshooting, answering frequently asked questions, reviewing support status, and escalating level 2 issues.

Back-office provisioning for ISPs and other technical platforms that can be managed online can be quoted as defined tasks for support agents 24x7.

We can monitor technical systems, provide digital customer services, and respond to SCADA and GPS welfare system alerts. We can handle enquiries from your clients, operations, or the public and manage responsive maintenance support, emergency drills or crisis activations, and other urgent issues until contact is made with a responsible person who can take the action required.

We are specialists: complex escalations can be managed in a timely manner to suit your operations.


We have applications and expertise to handle complex water and sewer utilities support enquiries. This extends to priority management of critical emergencies, welfare checks for staff and contractors on call or in the field, and providing customers with updates on outages already reported.

Engagement project lines and outbound customer surveys for quality assurance or feedback can also be accommodated.

Large Projects

Large development projects for infrastructure, precincts, or resource extraction impact and involve many stakeholders. They usually require formal community consultation for approval and may require a toll-free number to manage enquiries and complaints as the project moves into construction.

Contact centre support can also help with internal coordination, filtering contractor and employment enquiries, and supporting engagement teams.

Beyond this, works may involve some safety risk management. Emergency & incident lines, responsive maintenance and call centre services for Injury Reporting and Employee Assistance Programs may be needed.


The scope of services is flexible, depending on what function will augment your workflows and operations.

Some examples include:

  • Contact centre support to query or raise support tickets in client systems.
  • Shift substitutions for labour hire providers, matching skills sets and availabilities of people on-call to the location of works.
  • GPS fleet and asset monitoring and responsive maintenance for facilities. We can provide welfare monitoring services for staff working alone, travelling, or handling higher risk work.
  • Outbound contact for quality assurance or customer care programs.
  • SCADA monitoring as required or system batch processing overnight.

These services feature a high level of risk management for compliance. Our Client Services team can help organisations manage multiple services and requirements, working with teams across your business as required.

WebAssist Services   |   Escalation Support   |   Corporate Services

mining operations
corporate teams



Head Office:
1300 551 796
1800 935 536
1300 047 885
+61 3 9895 0000
ABN 26 138 486 478
Level 5, 520 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000
PO Box 5010 Nowra DC NSW 2541