Call answering for federal, state and local government

Specialist Customer

Public Sector

We have specialist training and applications to manage complex public sector contact centre services with a broad spectrum of procedures and responsibilities. Our network is configured and secured to ensure a high level of service redundancy. Service levels, agent training, privacy compliance, and risk management are aligned to standards required by public sector clients.

We are active members of several associations related to key public sector service groups, and Preferred Providers on State Contracts that cover all states and the Northern Territory.

The services are commonly used to support Councils, State Government departments, utilities, and community respite, risk management, and community engagement project teams.

The scope can extend to business continuity plan arrangements, SCADA and GPS fleet monitoring, digital customer services, and services to cover dedicated functions 24x7.

Client Services can liaise with one team within the organisation or work with multiple internal stakeholders on one or more services to support the services.

Local Government

Services range from simple management of after-hours emergencies to full spectrum customer services, business hours overflow, and Business Continuity Plan cover.

Protocols reference each Council’s local time zone and business hours. We manage complex escalations to multiple teams, including parallel teams across amalgamated councils, to suit operations. Procedures and reporting can apply consistently across communications channels – both digital and telephone.

Council Services are backed by specialised virtual reception training and an agile industry application that adapts to evolving requirements of the sector.

Agents get specialist training for Council Services. CouncilPRO is a specialist industry app for Council answering services.

We can enter issues to Council systems and provide related services for other business units. Specialist applications to manage community respite operations, parking meter fault reporting, SCADA and GPS fleet monitoring, Lone Worker Welfare Checks, and responsive maintenance support are available. Outbound surveys for customer service, quality assurance, or engagement can be easily managed on a project or rolling basis.

Services can be managed centrally with nominated Council personnel, or Client Services can work with multiple teams across Council on one or more services. Multiple user access levels to service applications provides a high level of service transparency and ensures seamless handover between our teams.

Contact us to find out how to access our services on competitive, compliant contracts in your state or territory.

State Government

Services range from complex customer services for a department or agency, emergency lines, and GPS fleet monitoring to community engagement project lines. Specialist support is available for major infrastructure projects, water and power utilities, and departmental field operations after hours or 24x7 as required.

Services are supported by general training for a service level or key service group. However, client-specific training can also be developed and delivered for custom services.

WebAssist Services   |   Escalation Support   |   Outbound Services



Head Office:
1300 551 796
1800 935 536
1300 047 885
+61 3 9895 0000
ABN 26 138 486 478
Level 5, 520 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000
PO Box 5010 Nowra DC NSW 2541