Telephone answering

Supporting your
Clients & Teams

Community Services

We handle many telephone answering and complex contact centre services for the Community sector and Not-For-Profits. These may focus on emergency respite and shift substitution arrangements, welfare monitoring for community visits, responsive maintenance for aged care facilities or disability specialist accommodation, or support services for palliative care nurses or medical practitioners making home visits.

Outbound Services can be structured with privacy compliance to support your operations. This could be project work to update databases, customer surveys for quality assurance or market research, or logistical support for focus groups.

We can provide virtual reception back up or BCP cover as required with full privacy compliance in Australia.

We have applications for complex customer services that offer a high level of service transparency and control for our clients and support seamless handovers between our teams.

Virtual Reception   |   Escalation Support   |   Corporate Services

public transport
aged care support
community home visits



Head Office:
1300 551 796
1800 935 536
1300 047 885
+61 3 9895 0000
ABN 26 138 486 478
Level 5, 520 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000
PO Box 5010 Nowra DC NSW 2541